Put On Purple


Today, I put on purple to raise Lupus awareness.

There is no pause button in fighting Lupus just because there is a pandemic.  Life goes on for many people battling chronic illnesses. Everyday, I already worry about getting another Lupus flare. But now, I have to worry about COVID19 as well with symptoms very similar to Lupus.  Because I have to take medication that suppresses my immune system, I am less equipped to fight any viruses out there.  To be labeled high risk is frightening when there’s a serious health threat out there. 


The world has been good with implementing restrictions and new protocols. I have to get my blood work done every month. We have to wait in our car and they call you when it’s your turn to come in.  Going out for my appointments has been eye opening and emotional.  


A few weeks ago, I was meeting a new doctor.  We got stopped at the entrance of the hospital.  Since visitors were not allowed, I got separated from Timothy.  I was trying not to cry. Timothy has never missed any of my appointments since starting this Lupus journey.  My appointments are never fun because there’s usually a lot of information to take in and decisions need to be made. But I had to put a brave face on behind a mask as I nervously walked the long hospital hallways by myself. 


The other day, as I was entering the hospital to get a procedure done, I saw a lady with flowers crying outside the hospital lobby. I don’t know her story but I felt sadness as I walked past her.  I was reminded that I couldn’t have any visitors. There are many patients in the hospital who are alone and isolated because of these restrictions and it breaks my heart. 

This new world is different.  This new world is scary. We have to learn to be broken and strong at the same time and that can be overwhelming.  As I laid in the stretcher after my procedure, one of the nurses looked me in the eye and said “Take care. Don’t worry about the results. God bless you.” I couldn’t see her smile behind her mask but I could see it in her eyes. In this new world, people are more kind and loving and that’s beautiful.   


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Chemo Quilt


The Boy On Our Fridge: Our Compassion Canada Experience